Just so I don't offend anyone, the blog you are about to tread on has innappropriate language for the younger crowd. I cease not to hold myself back when venting; so you read at your own risk.

You are liable for your own discomfort by reading my blog if you continue.

You've been warned.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Fender Benders is seriouz bizness

For the love of God, people who constantly nag, bitch, and whine about cops seriously annoy the shit out of me. The last few cop posts I've had have had to do with the same person and guess what! *Gasp* this is directed toward the same person AGAIN.

Apparently she hasn't learned the 'apply hand to mouth' and shut the FUCK up!

In her own words:
I'm not sure.. he was probably only 22 years old.. and I'm only 18, in my experiences with cops they don't like the "younger" folk.. even though I've probably been driving longer than he has. Pics are soon to come.. just cell pics though since I didn't bring the card reader for my camera.

Cops don't give a shit how old you are, they don't follow you around because you have a purty sports car, they follow you because of the company you keep. If you're seen around with jackasses who speed, street race, and commonly break the law, expect the law to DO THEIR JOB, and investigate.

Seriously, take some MIDOL and shut the fuck up.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Ignorance... It pisses me off.

Over the last week we've had two deaths in the area, both on the back roads. The back roads are relatively small, so there is no room for error (as in no left of center is acceptable) But of course that doesn't keep the invincible teenagers from flooring it around corners blindly left of center in their OVERRATED Mustangs.

I ain't complaining or jealous because I've got myself a Supercharged car that I RESPECT and I DRIVE THE SPEED LIMIT. Unlike these jackasses.

The first accident was on the back roads where four teenagers were getting "high" by speeding over the hills on the back roads. Apparently they came over one too many hills, one time too many too fast. So barely missing my brother's Aid they slammed headfirst into the car behind her and then plowed into a tree. Needless to say the accident was fatal. I haven't read who was killed, but I did hear there was a death involved in the accident because some Jackass teenager thought it'd be cool to impress his friends with flying around corners like their car was a roller coaster. Get on a FREAKIN roller coaster for that experience you idiots.

The second was around another curve. Some hot shot in a teenager came buzzing around the corner, left of center, and smashed into a 33 year old woman, killing her on the spot. I hope that son of a bitch is haunted for the rest of his life for being a complete and udder jackass.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Plates 101

Some of you people are in states that don't require front license plates. Most of us on the other hand, DO require our vehicles to be clad in the ugly front plates of doom. I often hear people moan and bitch about getting tickets for not having a front plate on. Again, whose damned fault is that? YOURS. Not the states, not the troopers, YOURS.

Now, I drove one of my vehicles without a front tag for over half a year and did just fine until I was kindly reminded about the ticket amount I'd get if I did not get the front tag on. Needless to say, and reluctantly, I put my front tag on. Now, if I want to take pictures of it I'll take it off. I won't disagree that they are ugly as shit, but it is the rule in my state. So if I got pulled over in that time period that I didn't have them on, then I'd suck it up and pay the money. Because it was MY fault for BREAKING the state law.

I also have a car that is going to kill me to put that tag on because it's so damn beautiful without it, but I don't have an option. I'm nagged at to put it on, and not by cops. If I got pulled over for the no front tag I'd get tagged with tinted tails and too dark of a tint. So I'd get screwed in a Royal manner. But guess what. I wouldn't give a rats ass because it's MY fault to begin with.

So, therefore, quit your bitching and abid to your state laws about tags you pussies.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Police Debate Pt. 2

Okay, I was looking over the videos as horrifying as a cat biting off a mouse's head on Youtube about police brutality. In all honesty, the media shows you want THEY want you to see, now unless you're backing up that Cop at his flank to make sure that detainee doesn't pull a fast one, then you have no right to speak. So therefore, apply hand to mouth and shut the FUCK up. I watch video after video and read comment after comment of pure liberal bull shit that is no more intelligent than the kid who got held back after he couldn't apply a box to a square hole. Might as well be speaking out their ass, oh wait... they are.

There's a video floating about where there was this high speed chase and after the cops restrained the convicted, they kicked him in the head. Now, my view on this.
"Way to fucking go!" I would have kicked his nutsin if I had my hands on him. I got chastised for giving the 'fear tactic' to some uneducated poor excuse of a soul. Who gave me a first grader, sloppy reply that was purely liberal based. I love you liberals I really do, it goes to show how contaminated the gene pool really is. People like this, should NOT be breeding. Just lop their nuts off and save us all the drama. So after I pulled a "Jack Bauer" they persisted to say that my logic was unreasonable. I don't see how it could be. I stated that they would have probably wanted to kick the guys head in and more had they endangered a family members life. This lowlife almost hit a pedestrian and drove recklessly. Trust me, the more I type, the more I want this guy by the nuts so I can castrate him.

Oh and wait, wait, there's more. This guy came back, with what was probably a very thoroughly thought out reply, which he probably had to scrap through the dictionary to find something to make it sound logical: "If one cannot handle the intense pressure and maintain a high standard they are not equipped for the job. There are some like myself that thrive on high pressure and still have integrity. In fact it is more efficient to handle high pressure situations with the coolest head possible. If you excuse this type of behavior then that becomes the standard. Demand a higher standard and there will be people to fit that role. It is possible please don't make excuses."

Give me a God Damn fucking break. Who the fuck has the patience to chase a lowlife teenager, risking his life and others because he broke the fucking law. Cops are severely underpaid, and underestimated and really are not respected by any means. You know why? Because they caught you doing something fucking wrong. It's like when you were a kid, you got in trouble for sneaking that cookie before bedtime, who did you hate the most at that place and time? Your parent, the one who found you with that cookie, nibbling away at its soft goodness under your comforter and scolded you for taking it after bedtime. Who did you fucking hate more? Yourself for being stupid? Or your (lets say Mom) for punishing you? Seeing as human nature is to blame someone else, you probably blamed your Mom and hated her profusely for being caught. Well that's the cop. You could be flying down 95 at 105mph and get pulled over and you'd still blame the cop for "picking on you." Oh and don't even get me started on the fucking RACE card.

So I don't know about you, seemed pretty logical that this guy got kicked in the head. I would have been one pissed off mother fucker if I would've gotten my hands on him. People claim he was 'restrained' the guy was laying Eaglespread because he got trapped, of course he's going to give up versus being shot. Who wouldn't. I would not have hesitated to kick that white trash in the head and the nuts just for good measure.


Saturday, February 7, 2009

Du Hatz Cops.

I've been reading lately how much folks have been hating cops. The main reason? Them catching them speeding and giving them a ticket.

Alright, assholes, if you're speed you DESERVE a SPEEDING ticket as you are endangering the public by going over the speed limit, which in turn hampers your ability to stop and your depth perception for the most part. I hear it over and over and over again how people get so pissed off at cops for DOING THEIR JOB. Seriously, choke on a fish people.

It's just like the Government tapping your phone to insure you aren't doing terrorist activities, why the frick should you care if they're monitoring your calls? If you aren't doing anything wrong, then shut the FRICK up. Seriously, it's just like Abortion, "Omgz, you can't impose on a woman's right." Screw you liberal/democratic women who pull that shit. It's your child, it is NOT the child's fault he/she was conceived, therefore, your rights should have nothing to do with the Abortion Act. But thanks to our new Joke of a President you can have a partial birth and abortions up the ass.

*breathes* Back on topic.. Seriously, why should you care if you get a ticket or not if you were breaking the law? I sure as hell wouldn't care. I drove around w/o a front tag for almost a whole year, in my state, you're supposed to have them. After being warned of a fine, I finally put it on. Which was a $90.00 fine, not bad, but I was going to AVOID getting that fine by FOLLOWING THE LAW.

So asshats, follow the law or STFU when you get pulled over for doing 100 in a 55.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Wrecklessness and ignorance

As usual I don't like regurgitating the same scenarios in 20,000 different ways, hence my lack of updates.

The other day we had a new one though. No blinker and brute force.

I'd been running around like crazy last week so take care of some horses and go to the feed store. As I'm coming up the stretch to get ready to turn I'm in the slow lane out of three lanes. There's a flat bed tow truck in the middle lane about a nose ahead of me. I accelerate just to do it 'cause I'm going under the speed limit and suddenly this idiot starts merging into my lane. With the monkey mentality of "I'm coming over slowly, therefore, it's okay." so I lay on the horn and continue on my way.

Who was the fool? .. Probably both of us really.

This was a funny video seeing as the Ricers got owned and knew it :) Remember, I don't condone street racing, but a good old fashioned ass beater is funny yet.

Monday, January 12, 2009

All I'm Seeing is Black

I'm no racist, but this election is seriously fucked up, seriously. 99.9% of the black race in America voted Obama and are appalled when every day people accuse them of voting courtesy of his race. Any Black Obamee that says he didn't vote AT ALL because of Obama's race is a retard, because we all know it's true.

I am seriously sick of seeing this mans face already and I really hope I can slap those who voted for him on the back and say "I told you so fuckers!"

With that being said I noticed the other day that there was a "Black Womans" magazine, what teh FRICK, I want a "White Womans" magazine. Thank you very fricking much! Oh and can you guess who was on the front??... if the first name starts with M and the last name starts with O... then you're right.

Any Obamee that may read this and become inflamed, can go screw yourself because you made your bed and it's time to sleep in it and expect apparent 'racial' comments from the Crackers in the USA.

"The only difference between Obama and Osama is the same BS!"